In continuation of our cows problem as posted before
here, we can also solved the problem by simulation approach. I would like to thank
Mike Meredith for his contribution and guidance in producing the codes below. The code can be obtained
# Try with different sized herds
# We are looking at 0.7 cutoff
# point for sensitivity
# Simulation approach
B = 10000
p = 0.25
n = numeric(1) # sample size
nCow = numeric(10) # number of cows per farm per iteration
nCow_ = numeric(10) # nCow, for tabulation with cbind
sensitivity = numeric(0)
infected = numeric(B) # real no of infected cows per farm
detected = numeric(B) # no of infected cows in sample of size n
n.low = 4 # lower limit of sample size
n.high = 7 # upper limit of sample size
sen_ = numeric(0) # mean sensitivity for all sizes of farm
n_ = numeric(0) # sample size
cutpt = 0.7 # Acceptable cutoff point
for(x in n.low:n.high) {
n = x
for(c in 1:50) {
nCow = 10*c
for(i in 1:B) {
cows = rbinom(nCow, 1, p)
infected[i] = sum(cows)
s = sample(cows, n)
detected[i] = sum(s)
nCow_[c] = nCow
detected.if.present = detected[infected > 0]
sensitivity[c] = mean(detected.if.present > 0)
temp_s = mean(sensitivity)
temp_c = cbind(sensitivity=sensitivity, ncow_=nCow_)
sen_[x] = temp_s
n_[x] = n
The results are as follows:
## [1] "+++++++"
## [1] 4
## sensitivity ncow_
## [1,] 0.7217031 10
## [2,] 0.6771314 20
## [3,] 0.6893379 30
## [4,] 0.6805000 40
## [5,] 0.6850000 50
## [6,] 0.6796000 60
## [7,] 0.6784000 70
## [8,] 0.6769000 80
## [9,] 0.6878000 90
## [10,] 0.6863000 100
## [11,] 0.6904000 110
## [12,] 0.6852000 120
## [13,] 0.6882000 130
## [14,] 0.6873000 140
## [15,] 0.6846000 150
## [16,] 0.6837000 160
## [17,] 0.6842000 170
## [18,] 0.6875000 180
## [19,] 0.6872000 190
## [20,] 0.6856000 200
## [21,] 0.6859000 210
## [22,] 0.6796000 220
## [23,] 0.6905000 230
## [24,] 0.6801000 240
## [25,] 0.6783000 250
## [26,] 0.6769000 260
## [27,] 0.6793000 270
## [28,] 0.6892000 280
## [29,] 0.6802000 290
## [30,] 0.6831000 300
## [31,] 0.6772000 310
## [32,] 0.6891000 320
## [33,] 0.6845000 330
## [34,] 0.6778000 340
## [35,] 0.6789000 350
## [36,] 0.6863000 360
## [37,] 0.6862000 370
## [38,] 0.6796000 380
## [39,] 0.6806000 390
## [40,] 0.6878000 400
## [41,] 0.6836000 410
## [42,] 0.6827000 420
## [43,] 0.6761000 430
## [44,] 0.6823000 440
## [45,] 0.6847000 450
## [46,] 0.6860000 460
## [47,] 0.6818000 470
## [48,] 0.6789000 480
## [49,] 0.6813000 490
## [50,] 0.6776000 500
## [1] 4
## [1] 0.6838534
## [1] "+++++++"
## [1] 5
## sensitivity ncow_
## [1,] 0.8058705 10
## [2,] 0.7680433 20
## [3,] 0.7726545 30
## [4,] 0.7627000 40
## [5,] 0.7625000 50
## [6,] 0.7658000 60
## [7,] 0.7642000 70
## [8,] 0.7585000 80
## [9,] 0.7631000 90
## [10,] 0.7666000 100
## [11,] 0.7630000 110
## [12,] 0.7558000 120
## [13,] 0.7634000 130
## [14,] 0.7595000 140
## [15,] 0.7623000 150
## [16,] 0.7590000 160
## [17,] 0.7623000 170
## [18,] 0.7619000 180
## [19,] 0.7614000 190
## [20,] 0.7583000 200
## [21,] 0.7568000 210
## [22,] 0.7626000 220
## [23,] 0.7618000 230
## [24,] 0.7653000 240
## [25,] 0.7633000 250
## [26,] 0.7595000 260
## [27,] 0.7697000 270
## [28,] 0.7675000 280
## [29,] 0.7623000 290
## [30,] 0.7653000 300
## [31,] 0.7592000 310
## [32,] 0.7574000 320
## [33,] 0.7668000 330
## [34,] 0.7678000 340
## [35,] 0.7595000 350
## [36,] 0.7654000 360
## [37,] 0.7666000 370
## [38,] 0.7665000 380
## [39,] 0.7648000 390
## [40,] 0.7551000 400
## [41,] 0.7713000 410
## [42,] 0.7730000 420
## [43,] 0.7653000 430
## [44,] 0.7577000 440
## [45,] 0.7627000 450
## [46,] 0.7577000 460
## [47,] 0.7735000 470
## [48,] 0.7675000 480
## [49,] 0.7593000 490
## [50,] 0.7601000 500
## [1] 5
## [1] 0.7641634
## [1] "+++++++"
## [1] 6
## sensitivity ncow_
## [1,] 0.8661619 10
## [2,] 0.8254589 20
## [3,] 0.8242000 30
## [4,] 0.8219822 40
## [5,] 0.8192000 50
## [6,] 0.8272000 60
## [7,] 0.8175000 70
## [8,] 0.8182000 80
## [9,] 0.8251000 90
## [10,] 0.8166000 100
## [11,] 0.8256000 110
## [12,] 0.8178000 120
## [13,] 0.8246000 130
## [14,] 0.8280000 140
## [15,] 0.8172000 150
## [16,] 0.8160000 160
## [17,] 0.8235000 170
## [18,] 0.8167000 180
## [19,] 0.8270000 190
## [20,] 0.8242000 200
## [21,] 0.8208000 210
## [22,] 0.8242000 220
## [23,] 0.8173000 230
## [24,] 0.8203000 240
## [25,] 0.8234000 250
## [26,] 0.8339000 260
## [27,] 0.8180000 270
## [28,] 0.8237000 280
## [29,] 0.8179000 290
## [30,] 0.8208000 300
## [31,] 0.8206000 310
## [32,] 0.8231000 320
## [33,] 0.8174000 330
## [34,] 0.8227000 340
## [35,] 0.8188000 350
## [36,] 0.8241000 360
## [37,] 0.8225000 370
## [38,] 0.8271000 380
## [39,] 0.8225000 390
## [40,] 0.8243000 400
## [41,] 0.8232000 410
## [42,] 0.8219000 420
## [43,] 0.8199000 430
## [44,] 0.8138000 440
## [45,] 0.8287000 450
## [46,] 0.8236000 460
## [47,] 0.8193000 470
## [48,] 0.8209000 480
## [49,] 0.8304000 490
## [50,] 0.8227000 500
## [1] 6
## [1] 0.8230001
## [1] "+++++++"
## [1] 7
## sensitivity ncow_
## [1,] 0.9164819 10
## [2,] 0.8687719 20
## [3,] 0.8698870 30
## [4,] 0.8692000 40
## [5,] 0.8674000 50
## [6,] 0.8717000 60
## [7,] 0.8579000 70
## [8,] 0.8659000 80
## [9,] 0.8610000 90
## [10,] 0.8633000 100
## [11,] 0.8686000 110
## [12,] 0.8620000 120
## [13,] 0.8652000 130
## [14,] 0.8633000 140
## [15,] 0.8657000 150
## [16,] 0.8637000 160
## [17,] 0.8642000 170
## [18,] 0.8618000 180
## [19,] 0.8628000 190
## [20,] 0.8692000 200
## [21,] 0.8644000 210
## [22,] 0.8641000 220
## [23,] 0.8671000 230
## [24,] 0.8625000 240
## [25,] 0.8625000 250
## [26,] 0.8696000 260
## [27,] 0.8689000 270
## [28,] 0.8565000 280
## [29,] 0.8703000 290
## [30,] 0.8606000 300
## [31,] 0.8695000 310
## [32,] 0.8664000 320
## [33,] 0.8696000 330
## [34,] 0.8642000 340
## [35,] 0.8723000 350
## [36,] 0.8670000 360
## [37,] 0.8700000 370
## [38,] 0.8662000 380
## [39,] 0.8667000 390
## [40,] 0.8642000 400
## [41,] 0.8627000 410
## [42,] 0.8686000 420
## [43,] 0.8669000 430
## [44,] 0.8715000 440
## [45,] 0.8695000 450
## [46,] 0.8706000 460
## [47,] 0.8658000 470
## [48,] 0.8619000 480
## [49,] 0.8660000 490
## [50,] 0.8668000 500
## [1] 7
## [1] 0.8670188
# sample size vs sensitivity
cbind(n=n_[n.low:n.high], Sensitivity=sen_[n.low:n.high])
## n Sensitivity
## [1,] 4 0.6838534
## [2,] 5 0.7641634
## [3,] 6 0.8230001
## [4,] 7 0.8670188
# only > cutoff point
cbind(n=n_[n.low:n.high], Sensitivity=sen_[n.low:n.high])[sen_[n.low:n.high] > cutpt, ]
## n Sensitivity
## [1,] 5 0.7641634
## [2,] 6 0.8230001
## [3,] 7 0.8670188
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